
Since acquiring its first North Sea interests in 2006 and assuming operatorship of those assets in 2008, TAQA UK has played a significant role in the UK offshore oil and gas industry.

Today, the company’s portfolio puts it at the forefront of late-life operations and decommissioning. In 2022 TAQA UK executed one of the largest infrastructure removal projects in the UK North Sea with the removal of the Brae Bravo platform. Production ceased from its four Northern North Sea platforms in 2024 and from the Brent System Pipeline, which the company had operated since 2008. Production continues at its three Central North Sea platforms, which are expected to cease production by 2027.

Our Leadership

Sandy Hutchison
Managing Director TAQA UK

Sandy Hutchison was appointed Managing Director for TAQA UK in February 2025.

Having joined TAQA UK in 2007 and as leader of the Legal, Commercial and Business Services directorate since 2014, Sandy has extensive experience of the business; and has been instrumental in TAQA UK’s journey of growth and transformation, followed by its present-day focus on late-life operations and decommissioning.

Prior to TAQA UK, Sandy was senior legal advisor at Talisman Energy, having started his career in the Energy and Corporate Practice of international law firm CMS, working in their Aberdeen and London Offices. Sandy is a qualified solicitor in Scotland and in England & Wales, has completed the Oxford University (Saïd Business School) Advanced Management and Leadership Programme, and has achieved Chartered Director status of the Institute of Directors.


United Kingdom

TAQA Bratani Limited
Brimmond House
Prime Four Business Park
AB15 8PU United Kingdom

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