
TAQA UK is committed to being an active and supportive member of the community in the North-
East of Scotland. Through our community investment programme, we aim to support education
initiatives that support the future of our industry by inspiring the next generation, as well as
community and environment initiatives. We also participate in positive industry and community
events that allow sharing, learning and celebration of best practice with other operators and the
supply chain.

Community Fund

The TAQA UK Community Fund has been set-up to support the needs of the North-East of Scotland community. This funding is intended to help groups and organisations purchase new equipment, implement new initiatives or fund events taking place in the short to medium term (within six months). Organisations can apply for up to £1000 by emailing communityfunduk@taqa.com for an application form.

Charity of the Year

Each year TAQA UK staff nominate a charity to support in the North-East of Scotland. This allows us to pull together and focus the fantastic fundraising and team building efforts we regularly see in the business to generate maximum value for our chosen charities.
Our current Charity of the Year is Archway – a local parent-led charity based in Aberdeen providing care and support to children and adults with learning disabilities and their families.

TechFest STEM in the Park

TechFest aims to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to pupils and the wider community throughout Scotland. TAQA UK provides funding for Tech Fest’s community outreach ‘STEM in the Park’ initiative. This initiative aims to engage all ages in science activities in local park settings in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire, utilising play equipment in the parks and also supplementary activities, encouraging teamwork and creativity.

Greenpower Grampian event

Greenpower is a national engineering competition which challenges school pupils to design, construct and race electric cars. As well as showing the fun side of science and exploring green energies, the event also develops teamwork, communication skills and elements of project management. TAQA UK sponsors the Grampian heat of the event and each year a large team of TAQA UK staff volunteer to help run the event.

Aberdeen Science Centre Engineering Club

Aberdeen Science Centre (ASC) aims to inspire a lifelong interest in science by creating engaging experiences. TAQA UK provides funding for the ASC Engineering Club for 9-12 years olds, where participants are encouraged to use their problem-solving and creativity skills to explore engineering through fun and hands-on activities and challenges.

River Dee Trust

The River Dee Trust is a conservation charity that works to preserve and communicate the importance of the River Dee. Through our community investment programme, TAQA UK and others provide funding for an Education Support Officer to deliver a programme to build environmental awareness to children and young people.

Project SEARCH

Project SEARCH is a programme that helps young adults with learning disability and autism find paid employment in various sectors. TAQA UK’s funding allowed Project SEARCH in Aberdeen to purchase uniforms for interns participating in the programme. The uniforms help boost the intern’s feelings of pride and belonging during their experience.

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